Tag: Under £15
Games that are available for under £15 (~$20) as their base non-sale price, at the time of writing.
Boxes: Lost Fragments
You’d be forgiven for seeing this game and thinking it’s related somehow to The Room. Ness did. And well, thats because it is, kind of.
A Guidebook of Babel
A surprisingly emotional half time travelling puzzle, half visual novel about a potential afterlife. Follow the story of the Babel and its crew and passengers as the passengers navigate towards reincarnation.
Not too much to say about this one, it’s just a very pretty puzzle game about connecting components together. Some of the puzzles shift into zachlike territory, but it’s more of a puzzle since you still interact with your creation and rewire it on the fly mid puzzle.
14 Minesweeper Variants 2
Funny minesweeper exccept oh christ it got worse. Now with a new even harder* mode (which was back-ported to the origina, so thats quite nice.)
The Elephant Collection
So do you remember those flash elephant games from when the internet used to be good? This is them bringing that through to Steam in a playable form. Of course you could still just play the original versions on Flashpoint, but this collection has extra developer commentary, challenge achievements, and secrets.
Moonlight Pulse
Furry character switching metroidvania about fighting a virus invasion inside the body of a giant celestial world turtle? Sounds like a fun time.
Turnip Boy Robs A Bank
He’s done it again! Our favourite vegetable commits heinous atrocities for fun, part two. What do you mean I haven’t spoken about the time he committed tax evasion (whoops, I’ll put that out eventually, that game is good too.)
Ninja cat metroidvania where you just want to find your kidnapped child and wife. With a whole story told without a single word in a large connected world of stunningly beautiful pixel art, this is definitely up there on the list of very good metroidvanias.
Cozy Rhythm Paradise for sleepy people. A very pretty game I’m love.
Minesweeper automation game. Mix up a couple good genres and you end up with a good game, a game where with a bit of setup, you can clear 4000 levels in less than a minute. Im frankly surprised rn that I only have 3 different minesweeper reviews, and not more. Bombe is a game where…
Rhythm Doctor
Yī Èr Sān Sì Wǔ Liù Qī Push button on beat 7, save lives, though the nurse speaks Chinese, so you’re gonna have to listen out for that (“Qī” sounds like “chi”). No matter what, you push the button on beat 7, except for SVT stuff, but eh, the game can explain that. Follow the…