
Not too much to say about this one, it’s just a very pretty puzzle game about connecting components together. Some of the puzzles shift into zachlike territory, but it’s more of a puzzle since you still interact with your creation and rewire it on the fly mid puzzle.

To start with, the puzzles are just connecting various components together, wiring up power sources to objects in order to progress the level, or to uncover puzzle elements to create more connections. The main challenge of these puzzles comes from the fact that each output and input can only have a single wire running from them, so duplicating a signal is very much a privilage enabled by a specific signal duplicator block.

Later into the game, robots are introduced, which are lil goobers that are controlled via 3 inputs, “spawn”, “walk” and “turn around”. The game also introduces simulation puzzles, where certain power sources are disabled until the simulation starts, and rewiring is disallowed while running the simulation. The important note though is that you can still press buttons and flip switches while the simulation is running, and thats why this game doesn’t really fit into the genre of zachlike.

As for the plot and world, you just won the job lottery to join the ranks of a corporate society, and as part of the job initiation, they wipe your memory, h0w nice. As you play through, you might stumble into some data tapes that reveal specific story and worldbuilding elements, but I will leave that to you to find.

Eventually you get introduced to the rebel group, through the third kind of puzzle: Bombs 😀
All you have to do is difuse the bombs by activating all three inputs at once. Easier said than done though because like I said, you can’t duplicate signals. Good luck.

The game also has a custom level creator and sharing system, so even when you’re done with the main game, there will hopefully be some new puzzles to do.

I do not know how the hint system works in this game, its a lot easier than most other puzzle games, so I didn’t end up needing to use it, sorry for not being more helpful here…

Steam: £12.79 (Demo available)


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