Tag: Exploration

Games where there is a prominent focus on exploring and vigilance, with secrets hidden around every corner and new hidden paths to find. The story may not be prominent or may take a back seat to the world building.

  • Control


    Oh boy, first Triple A game on this list. Anyways, have you ever heard of the SCP Foundation? This is basically that but with an actually coherent world and story, and less unkillable monsters. You play as a “parautilitarian”, someone who can control “paranatural” forces, and the new head of the Federal Bureau of Control,…

  • Hyper Light Drifter

    Hyper Light Drifter

    My boy! My wonderful beautiful handsome swordy boye! So this game is a pretty tricky combat and exploration adventure game set in a beautiful sci-fi futuristic world. You have to fight your way through various areas and enemies in order to collect fragments that are used to power the towers that open the final boss.…

  • CrossCode


    Hi! Lea! CrossCode is a single player action adventure game, but it’s set in the world of a futuristic MMORPG. Its kinda like Sword Art Online but actually a good game. The combat system is incredibly in-depth, and the world design and story is so nice to get lost in. The story of the game…

  • Outer Wilds

    Outer Wilds

    Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/753640 £19.49 Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/outer-wilds £19.49