Hyper Light Drifter

My boy! My wonderful beautiful handsome swordy boye! So this game is a pretty tricky combat and exploration adventure game set in a beautiful sci-fi futuristic world. You have to fight your way through various areas and enemies in order to collect fragments that are used to power the towers that open the final boss. Simple premise, but fantastic execution.

You start off with a sword and a gun, but the gun has limited ammo which recharges when you slash enemies or environmental objects, leading to a lot of faster paced close combat action, The dodges let you quickly reposition, though they don’t come with any invincibility frames like a lot of other challenging combat games have.

You can upgrade your character, but you have to be on the lookout for secrets. On my first playthrough, I barely found enough gearbits to unlock chain-dash, an extra health kit, and one of the gun upgrades, so you really do have to look carefully to spot where the secrets are, but once you learn how to recognise them, you’ll see them everywhere.

Anyways, enough of the review, this boye is beautiful and I would protecc him forever.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/257850 £14.99
Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/hyper-light-drifter £14.99
Switch: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Hyper-Light-Drifter-Special-Edition-1431189.html £17.99


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