Tag: Cute

Games that just make you go “awww” whether it be with its cute story or adorable aesthetic.

  • TEVI


    A slightly less hard-core Rabi Ribi, with a tighter story and more elaborate combat system. And yes, I compare to Rabi Ribi because this isn’t just a spiritual sequel, it’s also by the same developers.

  • Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus

    Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus

    A cute metroidvania about small but powerful creature in big world, if you like Ori or Hollow Knight, and have an interest in Japanese folklore, then this one is for you.

  • The Elephant Collection

    The Elephant Collection

    So do you remember those flash elephant games from when the internet used to be good? This is them bringing that through to Steam in a playable form. Of course you could still just play the original versions on Flashpoint, but this collection has extra developer commentary, challenge achievements, and secrets.

  • Beacon Pines

    Beacon Pines

    A very cute little mystery novel with a pretty creepy undertone. Some endings are bad, some are tragic, but the magic is none are permanent, as you explore the branching story of the book to find the true ending.

  • Ato


    Ninja cat metroidvania where you just want to find your kidnapped child and wife. With a whole story told without a single word in a large connected world of stunningly beautiful pixel art, this is definitely up there on the list of very good metroidvanias.

  • Melatonin


    Cozy Rhythm Paradise for sleepy people. A very pretty game I’m love.

  • Islets


    A super cute metroidvania with a modest level of diffficulty. Explore through 5 disconnected maps with the goal of trying to reconnect them by activating the island’s cores, then explore new areas of each island through the new connections that are made by bringing the islands together again.

  • Usagi Shima

    Usagi Shima

    In this cute little townbuilder, your goal is to attract bunnies and then take care for them to come back and become your buddies. They give you tips in the form of carrots, which you then spend on building more stuff and get more bunnies.

  • Dinkum


    Animal Crossing meets Stardew Valley except its on an island in Australia. What more could you want to be honest. Move out of the city with a sweet old woman named Fletch to try and start your own little town on a tropical island, and invite new residents to expand your town during the course…

  • Toem


    Super cute game about adventuring around several locations and helping people to collect stamps and make progress. Huh, that sounds familliar… Oh but in this one your primary mode of interaction is with your fancy camera that comes with an optical zoom!

  • Wandersong


    A cute little game about a bard trying to save the world. Explore many fantastic locales and sing to solve puzzles. Recover the parts of the Earthsong to try and save the world!

  • A Short Hike

    A Short Hike

    A very cute lil game about climbing a mountain, or well, climbing is the goal, but you’d find it difficult to not get distracted on the way by all the cute and colourful characters, side quests to help people out, and exploring the archipelago you’re on for hidden treasure and secrets.