Year: 2025
Boxes: Lost Fragments
You’d be forgiven for seeing this game and thinking it’s related somehow to The Room. Ness did. And well, thats because it is, kind of.
Train Station Renovation
A game about renovating train stations, very simple premise, mostly simple (though repetitive gameplay loop), perfect to occupy the time when sick.
2024 Mosaic Retrospective
Quick one for the start of the year. Mosaic is a type of puzzle similar to a minesweeper, but with all numbers visible from the start. Each number indicates the amount of coloured cells in the 3×3 region centered on the number.
A slightly less hard-core Rabi Ribi, with a tighter story and more elaborate combat system. And yes, I compare to Rabi Ribi because this isn’t just a spiritual sequel, it’s also by the same developers.