Category: Games
Standalone games.
TRI: Of Friendship and Madness
Tri is a platformer, one with a very slightly off atmosphere, and in some cases a bit of non-euclidean map design, but its a puzzle platformer nontheless. Your goal is to find your missing fox friend by adventuring through areas, solving puzzles, and unlocking new tools.
8 people, 8 kills, one day. Can’t be that hard right? Though when you wake up knowing nothing, with a face full of sand on the beach it’s not gonna be easy figuring out what to do or even who you are. As is customary for games that are easy to spoil, uhhh… Steam:…
Two young girls explore a shattered world filled with sound: a past to be uncovered. Not the tagline I’d have gone with personally, and a lot of people seeing the logo out of context probably got confused by this too, but in reality while Arcaea is a rhythm game, it also has a lot of…
14 Minesweeper Variants
If you thought that Minesweeper was too easy, or that guessing in Minesweeper is a sin that should be avoided at all costs, then this is the game for you. 14 Variants is a brutally hard game that expects you to follow a bunch of potentially obscure logical trails to deduce every square and can…
It’s basically Minesweeper but with rogue-like mechanics.
Home Quest
The first game on the big list of stuff that passively just consumes my life, this is a pretty simple resource management idle game without too much complexity. It’s the sort of game that you kinda pick up for 5 minutes, queue up some stuff to do, then let it sit for a bit, so…
Oh Jeez, Oh No, My Rabbits Are Gone
Something spooked your 100 bunnies in the night and now you have to adventure out to find them. This is a puzzle platformer where not only do you have to explore the world to find your rabbits, you have to call out to them and tell them to move, stop, etc in order to try…
RiME is a beautiful little short to medium story game. It has some rudimentary puzzles in it but it’s mostly a game about visual storytelling. You play as a young boy who wakes up on a beach, where you can use your voice to activate statues around the island to raise platforms, open doors, or…
Borderlands 2
Don’t know what needs to be said here, everyone and their mum knows about Borderlands, but I never said I was only recommending new games, or diamonds in the rough, I said I was going to recommend games that I enjoy playing and that I think other people might enjoy playing. And thats what this…
Gay rhythm game bullet hell. That’s certainly a sentence to start a review with. Let me explain. So NOISZ is a pretty standard rhythm bullet hell visual novel with a bunch of story and lore implication that I’m not 100% on because I haven’t played it, but when I saw NOISZ STARLIVHT, one thing stood…
Welcome to Celeste Mountain, a precarious climb to overcome with sheer force of will and a lot of character development. You play as Madoline, a sassy cutie who came to climb the mountain because they weren’t feeling the best in their home life, and you’ll meet a number of interesting and quirky characters each with…
Have you ever wanted to raise your own dogs? Do you ever wonder what would happen if you were to crossbreed a husky with an eight-legged green chihuahua? Do you believe in “you are what you eat” so much that you think eating nothing but french fries should turn you into a giand french fry?…