Freedom Planet 2

So if you enjoy Sonic, you’ll like Freedom Planet and it’s long awaited sequel Freedom Planet 2. You get a small cast of playable characters, Son– I mean Lilac the dragon, Carol the wildcat, Milla Basset the pupper, and new to this game, the team’s panda friend, Neera. Each character plays differently.

The game has a wonderfully charming story mode complete with fully voice acted cutscenes and a very fun cast of secondary characters, but the main meat of the game is the main gameplay. Each character has a different style of tackling each level, though I’ve personally not gotten around to trying out Carol or Milla yet. Lilac is our speedy type, and Neera has a much higher emphasis on combat prowess, but from what I have played, the game is significantly more fun to play than the first one.

Freedom Planet 2 includes a new feature that wasn’t in the first one: Items. Before each level, you can equip yourself with 2 items and up to 5 doses of potion, and these items both tweak how you’d approach each level, and change the gem reward multiplier at the end of the level. You need gems in order to unlock new items, so its worth taking on empty slots or more detrimental effects (such as time limit or no stock) to get a higher multiplier. If you’re struggling with a level though, you can take items that make things easier for you, such as taking less damage.

Steam: £19.99 (Demo available)


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