Vision Soft Reset

A short little metroidvania game where you play as an oracle who can see the future. You land on a planet and explore, and you might notice a timer in the top corner. As you adventure, you’ll find checkpoint stations, where you can save your progress. But not only does this save your items and location, but also your position in time too. At any time, you can rewind back to one of your checkpoints to try different paths, or complete sections faster.

You are able to predict enemy attacks, by seeing a silhouette of the attacks one second before they happen. This gives you an edge in dodging attacks, and if you can’t dodge, you can use some of your phase to roll back time to before you took a hit, or missed a jump, or anything else. Your phase slowly recharges to 25%, since thats how much you need to “Flashback,” or roll back to a checkpoint, but to get more than that, you’ll have to collect phase crystals that are dropped by enemies.

The world feels big, but you can get to any corner of the world in a few minutes at most, and the more you play, the more you’ll learn how to navigate the world quickly, which is a good idea to learn as some secrets require a lot of precise routing. As you play, you’ll unlock new abilities, which are stored in your suit as data, meaning they persist through flashbacks. On the other hand, additional suit health and phase tanks are physical objects, meaning that they don’t persist through a flashback, unless you’re flashing back to a point where you already have those items.

Personally towards the end of the game, I took a screenshot of the world map and routed out a plan in MS Paint to get everything I needed to get without using up too much time. Certainly a fun challenge.

Steam: £7.19 $9.99 (Has been on a charity bundle, so you might already have it)


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