Rhythm Doctor

Yī Èr Sān Sì Wǔ Liù

Push button on beat 7, save lives, though the nurse speaks Chinese, so you’re gonna have to listen out for that (“Qī” sounds like “chi”). No matter what, you push the button on beat 7, except for SVT stuff, but eh, the game can explain that. Follow the heartfelt story of several characters in the hospital as they interract with eachother with you to keep them healthy.

Rea-dy Get Set Go!

So this game was developed by 7th Beat Games, very appropriate name, but you probably know them more for their other one-button rhythm game, A Dance of Fire and Ice. Rhythm Doctor is slightly more forgiving though, since perfection only gets you an S+ perfect on a song, rather than being a strict requirement to even survive.Missing a note doesn’t immediately kill you. A very nice quality of life feature indeed. There are harder songs (night shifts) that require doing well in earlier songs to unlock, but the requirement is an A+ grade, which means you’re allowed a small handful of misses to still get the unlock.

The gameplay is very simple. Listen to audio cues and then hit the button on the 7th beat. If the nurse says “Ready get set go”, then it means you have to hit the button every other beat (if you just repeat the “get set” rhythm in your head, then you hit the button on every “set”.)

Where this game’s challenge comes in though is three-fold: First is wonky beats, some beats come at odd times, swing rhythms, even early or late, and SVT beats can have some funky patterns to try and distract you from the and-tap-and-tap rhythm. Second up is the fact that after the second act, you’re gonna have to follow multiple patients heartbeats at once, tapping the button any time any of them reach 7.

And lastly, we have a little bit of, lets call it interesting visual choices. I shaln’t spoil more, but if you’ve seen what rhythm games tend to do on April Fools day, that should give you an idea. This game is really about following audio cues and internalising rhythms.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/774181 £13.49



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