Buck Up And Drive

If you’ve ever played classic sega racing games like OutRun or Super Hang On, this will be right up your alley. It’s a back to form classic rally racing game, except this one comes packaged with a huge massive important DRIFT button, and quarter circle bullshit.

If you’re used to driving with a “go forward” pedal, a “slow down” pedal, and a wheel, then this game is about to buck that, because this game only uses a stick and the drift button. Holding drift will do exactly what it says on the tin, it’ll drift you in the direction you turn, which veers you in the opposite direction, but there is a purpose, drifting builds up boost meter, and releasing drift fires up a big speed boost based on how many sections of the boost meter are filled. Boost tackles can also destroy other cars and scenery objects. Why dodge around traffic when you can barrel through it?

Well, because the police will catch up to you and will send their own cars to come and tackle you, and fine you, and fire huge fuck off spiky balls at you. Of course, the popo isn’t invincible, if you attack them while they tackle you, you can damage them. Hit them enough times and it’ll get the pigs off your back for a bit. At least until you KO 5 more cars, in which case the bobbies will come back even stronger. And yes, the game calls the fuzz all these things and more in the bottom corner of your UI lmao.

Thats not even starting on the hilarious selection of Legally Distinct cars, such as the Ferrero based on a Ferrari F20, the Compensator based on a Ford F-150, The Stallion based on a Ford Mustang, and of course my personal favourite, the True Eno, based on the 1983 Toyota Sprinter/AE86, which is the main car in Initial D. Perfect for a drifting game. You can also create custom decals for the cars by opening up the decals folder accessible through the car select menu.

For those fanatics out there who actually have OutRun or Super Hang On or any other number of games, there is a config setting that lets you load this game onto an actual arcade cabinet. Of course you’d probably want to use stick+button instead of wheel and pedals, otherwise you wouldnt be able to do the hurricane drift or divebomb moves, or any of the air stunts, or any of the VS mode attacks.

Yes VS mode.

I’ll leave it at that, this game is super fun and super cheap and made by one person, go play it.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1714590 £5.79
Itch.io: https://fabiofontes.itch.io/buck-up-and-drive $7.99 (Demo available)


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