Potion Craft

This is a game about crafting potions with various effects and selling them, and if that sounds boring, I promise it’s not. This game has one of the most unique crafting systems I’ve personally ever seen. Each day you can pick up some plants from your garden, as well as buy some plants or minerals from various people that turn up at your shop, and then you use those plants to navigate the potion map.

Each plant has a different trajectory on the map, as well as a minimum and maximum distance along that trajectory. Grinding a material will increase how far along the path your potion will move, and as you stir the pot, your potion will follow the path drawn out by the ingredients you’ve put in it. Your goal is to reach one of the potion effects on the map, whilst avoiding the boneyards which will damage or even destroy your potion. The closer you line up your potion with the outline on the map, the stronger that effect will be. A lot of the map is a mystery when you start. Effects will be hidden by the fog until you travel there, and you will have to explicitly pick up an effect before you know for certain what that effect is.

It’s not just about selling potions by the way. About 45-60 minutes into the game, you’ll be able to fix your Alchemy Machine, which when fed potions with specific sets of effects will create new catalysts and salts that you can use for further alchemy or potion brewing. If you’ve got a particularly tricky to replicate recipe, such as one for the Alchemy Machine, you can save the recipe to your recipe book to instantly make another one, as long as you have the ingredients for it.

The game is in Early Access at the time of writing, so expect a lot of changes and updates as time goes on.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1210320 £11.39
Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/potion-craft-alchemist-simulator £11.39


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