
A short little point and click puzzle game. Some of the puzzles are a tiny bit obtuse, but my partner and I solved it in 2-3 hours without a walkthrough or anything. Doesn’t overstay it’s welcome.

So I came into this game through the Jingle Jam bundle last month, so I didn’t really know what to expect from it, but it turned out to be a short and sweet little adventure about puzzling around a diner in a world with no colour.

The game has two modes of locomotion, a freeroam and a point and click. I played in the point and click mode, so I can’t talk about the freeroam, but I can say the P&C is good with the exception of some of the movement taking a little bit long, and some of the transition animations being a liiiiitle bit janky, including one point where it felt like the game was running animations in a different FOV and started to make me a little motion sick on the stairs.

The hint system is a little bit more overt than in Moncage or The Room, but 99% of the time you probably won’t need to use them, as very few puzzles have weird point and click logic in them.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/933860 £5.49 (Demo available)


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