Oh Jeez, Oh No, My Rabbits Are Gone

Something spooked your 100 bunnies in the night and now you have to adventure out to find them. This is a puzzle platformer where not only do you have to explore the world to find your rabbits, you have to call out to them and tell them to move, stop, etc in order to try and guide them back to a rabbit hole so that they can return home.

I realise that this is now two itch platformers where the main collectables are rabbits, but I’m not sorry, play these games lol. This is a pretty short 2-4 hour game and if you have any itch bundles you might already have it to play, so there isn’t really any reason not to! Also this game’s title is honestly just the best hands down.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1199140 £9.29
Itch.io: https://studionevermore.itch.io/oh-jeez-oh-no-my-rabbits-are-gone $12.00 (Check your big bundles first though.)


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