Author: Lanta

  • I Love Hue Too

    I Love Hue Too

    A very simple free to play puzzle game about sorting puzzle pieces by colour. You start seeing the end result of the puzzle, then it shuffles most of the pieces, and you have to move the pieces around again to put things back into colour order.

  • WitchWay


    WitchWay is a charming little puzzle platformer about escaping a well and rescuing bunnies. Early on, you find a wand that you can use to control purple blocks scattered all throughout the well, which you’ll then use to either press buttons remotely or traverse the rooms you’re in.

  • Trifox


    Welp, those assholes just broke into your house, trashed the place, and stole your TV remote. Time for this grumpy fox to go wreck shop and get it back. This is a fun little combat platformer with some puzzles in it, think like a Ratchet and Clank game but with slightly less meat, and a…

  • Splatoon 3

    Splatoon 3

    First non-PC game on the list. So Splatoon is Nintendo’s entry into the shooter genre, and you might just think “oh Nintendo is a kids company this must be a kids game,” but no, stop doing that, this game is frankly extremely solid. Hell the amount of emphasis on movement, positioning and map awareness puts…

  • Etterna


    This game has been with me for a long time. After I had made my start like many others playing osu!mania, I decided to transition to a more competently designed game in order to improve my skills further, and Etterna is the game I jumped to. It’s a 4 button (4K) rhythm game with a…

  • Rabi Ribi

    Rabi Ribi

    Bunny girl with a hammer, what could go wrong. Well, a lot, I suppose. Somehow all the bunnies have disappeared and Erina, our protagonist, has turned into a bunny girl instead of a bunny? Whats going on? Whats this bunny phenomenon thats making every other girl on the island try to capture you? Guess you’ll…

  • And That’s The List. December Updates

    For those of you coming from my thread, you may have noticed that pretty much every game from there is now on this lil recomendations site, with the exceptions of Two Point Hospital (Steam: £24.99, Humble, Switch) Which I played enough to recommend to Rusty, but didn’t stick with enough to be able to write…

  • Potion Craft

    Potion Craft

    This is a game about crafting potions with various effects and selling them, and if that sounds boring, I promise it’s not. This game has one of the most unique crafting systems I’ve personally ever seen. Each day you can pick up some plants from your garden, as well as buy some plants or minerals…

  • The Entropy Centre

    The Entropy Centre

    Portal inspired puzzle game with a talking puzzle gun. Need I say more1?

  • Moncage


    Moncage is a cute puzzle and story game where you explore a world inside a cube. The twist though is that some parts of the cube can interact with other parts when you look from a certain angle. Each face of the cube is its own perspective on the world inside, and while the scenes…

  • Taiji


    Ever since I finished The Witness for the first time back in 2017, I’ve been looking for a puzzle game that follows that same formula, and this year I found it with Taiji. Instead of being a first person puzzle game about completing puzzle panels where you fill in the edges, this is a top-down…

  • The Room

    The Room

    Yet another bundle of games, each with the same premise and controls. The Room is a series of point & click puzzle games with an overarching plot told through notes left behind by the people you’re trying to track down. The series starts off simple enough, you start with a box, and you have to…