Borderlands 2

Don’t know what needs to be said here, everyone and their mum knows about Borderlands, but I never said I was only recommending new games, or diamonds in the rough, I said I was going to recommend games that I enjoy playing and that I think other people might enjoy playing. And thats what this is.

This is an incredibly funny gun game. The prior game Borderlands kinda didn’t know what it wanted to be(?) so it was sorta just trying to be serious and also trying to be funny, and it didnt really work and it wasnt for me, but Borderlands 2, they absolutely hammed it up here, sat themselves square in the non-serious zone, and the game is all the better for it. Even down to some of the dialogue that the enemies shout.

From dumb talking robot that everyone loves to hate hamming it up at every chance, to the small very hyperactive child who likes to play around with large explosions, this game is charming in a way that you rarely see in the FPS genre. There is also a lot of replay value here, and a lot of fun procedurally generated guns to find and play around with. Since the game can be played up to 4 players coop, It’s a heap of fun and chaos to go through with friends.

The game has quite the chunk of DLC so I recommend picking up the Borderlands Handsome Collection, which is significantly cheaper than the GOTY edition or base BL2, and includes Borderlands the Presequel, which goes through Handsome Jack’s story before he becomes the colossal dickweed of Borderlands 2.

I’ve recently started using the BL2 community patch, which tweaks some of the difficulty issues with the game, patches some of the more nasty bugs, tweaks the drop rate of unique items or makes unique enemies into guarenteed spawns, the patch even works in coop safely, only the host needs to enable it before loading the world.

Borderlands Handsome Collection:
Steam: £16.35

Borderlands 2, base game only:
Steam: £19.99
Humble: £19.99

Borderlands Legendary Collection:
Switch: £??.??


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