
This is a logic puzzle like hexagonal Minesweeper, but with a few extra mechanics, like red arrows that indicate mines in the direction(s) of the arrow(s), or green numbers that indicate mines within 2 tiles of the number instead of just directly adjacent.

You can click on a hint to highlight what that hint refers to, or middle click on it to immediately reveal every square around it. I would highly recommend the first thing you do to be to disable the “Fail on incomplete chord” option in the settings, so that middle clicking something before it’s ready just does nothing instead of giving you a strike.

The game has an interesting error system, that really is designed to be accessible (to the point where there is even an audio accessibility option to disable error sounds,) If you click wrong, the only penalty is losing the no-error star for the level until you reset it, and starting the mine counter flashing red, clearing a number of tiles after an error will stop the flashing, making a second mistake before clearing the error will just undo the last 15 or so tiles you clicked on. It doesn’t randomise the puzzle so you can just continue as you were. If you do want the no-error star, then you can enable “Hardcore” mode, where the first error made resets the puzzle.

The game is listed as free to play, but it actually has a pack-based monetisation system. The first 4 “worlds” are free to play as a demo, the rest are each DLC for like 80p per world, or bundles of 6-12 worlds for ~£4-6.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1463920 Free to start (£10.18 to unlock all content)


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