A game about renovating train stations, very simple premise, mostly simple (though repetitive gameplay loop), perfect to occupy the time when sick.
I played this game first back in like, 2021? but picked it up again in the last week to keep my miserable mind occupied through this illness I’m suffering.
It’s a very simple gameplay loop. You drop into a new train station (or in one case, a section of track near a tunnel lookout) and the place is absolutely shat. Trash everywhere, stuff is broken, windows are boarded up, rooms are flooded, one station is filled with hazardous waste (wtf?)
And then you tidy it.
You gather up all the trash into bags, and then toss those bags and other big trash into dumpsters. If you use segregated dumpsters for the first 3 or 4 levels, you’ll end up with more than enough money to cover the entire game, so you can stop at some point if you want a simpler gameplay loop that doesnt involve sorting metals, glass and papers into their own bin.
Once all the trash is cleared, you have to clean up graffiti and dust, bat down cobwebs, grind the rust off the rails, and fix up the bushings and windows. And once all else is done, all that is left is to refurnish the station rooms and platforms with the required stuff. I’d like more variety, especially in the decorations category, but thats just a minor nitpick. I’m sick, I’m here for the mindless clearing up stuff.
Each level unlocks the next, as well as letting you upgrade your equipment and unlocking new parts for your model train set at your house, which you can play with between levels. I have no real interest or experience with this part of the game, but I just thought it worth mentioning for those who like the idea.
It’s a cute lil gameplay loop, where each station takes me between 40-70 mins and has kept me sane over the last couple weeks.
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/914010 £15.89
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