The Entropy Centre

Portal inspired puzzle game with a talking puzzle gun. Need I say more1?

Evidently I do, unless you’re just here for links.

So skipping the important and impactful story cutscene at the start, you wake up in a busted up room in an abandoned facility, and if this sounds familiar, don’t worry, our protagonist Aria actually talks in this one. After heading through the facility and coming into a bit of a close call on a collapsing walkway, you find the Entropy lab, where– as is tradition in portal inspired games –you find your port— entropy device on a stand waiting for you to pick it up.

From here on, the game’s main mechanic is laid out in front of you. Shoot an object to send it back in time.

Wait what, back in time?

Kinda, its not like you immediately zap it back to the stone age, but rather while you’re holding the button on an object, whatever it just did will be gradually reversed. A collapsing structure can be un-collapsed, a puzzle cube moved through a room can have that movement reversed, a broken fusebox can be fixed, or rather un-broken.

Your job as a puzzle operative is to solve the puzzles in the testing centre in order to generate Entropy energy, to charge the entropy device. This device when fully charged can rewind the earth and undo whatever catastrophy happened there, whether that be an extinction, or a pandemic, or a nuclear anhialation, whatever it is, the Entropy Centre can rewind it, then send the data back to earth to correct their timeline, but that raises the question: Where did everyone go? Guess you’ll just have to play the game to find out.

Oh and the last selling point, this game has its very own PotatOS, named ASTRA, who contrary to her inspirations is actually friendly and helpful instead of sarcastic and demeaning.

Steam: £23.99
Humble Bundle: £23.99

1: Legitimately, I bought this game after seeing videos from both Aliensrock and Wanderbots show up on my YouTube feed on the same day, and one of them was literally titled “Portal-Inspired Timebending Puzzle Game.” I didn’t even watch the videos until I’d beaten the game.


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