Example Block Game

Now I have to come clean on this one, the developer of this game is literally my IRL partner, who makes games to keep herself from going insane. She has a lot of experience with various tetris games, including ones that very few people have ever heard of, and she’s made a few games in the past to hone her craft, so you know this one has to be good.

So this game is actually an engine demo for the Legally Distinct Block Stacking Game engine that Oshisaure has been developing. She wants to make a new take on vs Tetris, with a battle system more reminiscent of the Naomi Sega Tetris arcade game, but as she needed to practice some other facets of game development, she created a demo game on top of her engine, which she then tweaked into a full fledged game.

Anyone who may be coming from another Tetris game may notice one major difference when they start their first round of Example Block Game: The pieces are coloured weirdly and move differently to anything you’re used to. Oshisaure created a brand new rotation system with the objective being to have pieces move a bit more freely to allow for more spin options, while making Spin Triple clears a little more difficult. This goes back into the multiplayer vs concept, where a spin triple makes you perform your ultimate attack, and spin singles and doubles deal different weaker attacks.

Even if Tetris isn’t your kind of game, this game is worth at least a little bit of your attention because it’s honestly just beautiful to look at. Each individual game mode has a custom animated background that was created programatically in GLSL rather than as videos or animations, which keeps the size of the game super low.

GitHub: https://github.com/Oshisaure/example-block-game/releases/tag/v1.0.0 Free download



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One response to “Example Block Game”

  1. Fen

    10/10, would get stuck at 359 lines in Original mode again

    the shader backgrounds sdgmnsdjgnsk ,,,,

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