Take a look at the thumbnail image. That will tell you almost everything you need to know about this infinite Sokoban game.
Patrick’s Parabox is a Sokoban game about pushing blocks, but where it gets interesting is that the blocks you push around may be other maps, and if you push a map block into a wall while the center spot of the block is open, you’ll go into the block instead. The converse is also true, if you go out the side of a map, you’ll pop out into whatever map the map box you just left was in. There are a surprising number of puzzles that this mechanic leads to, and unlike Baba Is You, the logic needed here to solve the puzzles is (mostly) reasonable.
Where things get particularly interesting, is that since every level is a block, and you can put maps inside maps, it means you can put maps in maps in maps, or maps in themselves. Most main map boxes are a different colour, which lets you see at a glance what is where, as the background around a map isnt just a background, it’s the map that the current map box is sat inside. Of course this could lead to the titular paradoxes happening, but even those are understandable.
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1260520 £15.49 (Demo available)
Itch.io: https://patricktraynor.itch.io/patricks-parabox $20.00
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