Creeper World

It’s not what it sounds like, this is actually a single-player real time strategy game where you play as a advanced military surviver, who builds infrastructure and weapons to fight off waves of alien goo that comes at you through tidle waves. While this review title technically pertains to the whole series, my recomendations are for the third and forth games in the series.

Both games have the same premise, but each has different mechanics. Creeper World 3 is a top-down 2D game, where you generate power through Reactors and ore through Miners, all weapons take power to construct and reload, and all “Anticreep” producers need ore. Broadly a simpler set of constraints allowing for more creative solutions. Creeper World 4 is a 3D game, where extractors can either generate power or Bluite, and there is also Redon and Greenar resources to find, and different towers may require different resources to create and maintain.

While both games do have a story mode, a scenario generator, and a sector with difficult challenges in, the real beauty of this game comes from the wonderful community made maps, where not only can they just set up custom scenarios for you to play similar to campaign maps, they can use the game’s built in CRPL (Creeper Reverse Polish Language) or 4RPL language to create custom units and even entire custom game modes. (These labels can be put into the map search to find maps with custom units, CRPL for CW3, and 4RPL for CW4.)

Each game though has an interesting community emphasis on the more common type of custom map you’ll find. In CW4, by far the most common custom game mode is “Play as Creep”, (or the PAC tag,) where there are units and mechanics that allow you to control the creep, and the army units are automated by various levels of AI. The objective being to force the Warp Lab to retreat. In CW3, the most common custom game mode is “CSM” (the tag name) or “CORKY”, which is a…. strange name, but I swear it makes sense1. The gameplay involves the only available unit being the terraformer, and your method of attacking the Creep is with Anticreep emitters. The objective being to take land by flipping the Flip Emitters to produce AC instead of Creep, and overwhelming the Creep emitters to destroy them.

Creeper World 4
Steam: £19.49 (Demo Available)

Creeper World 3
Steam: £11.39
WebGL Demo:

1: CSM stands for “Cornucanis Style Map”, which was coined by yum234 who expanded on Cornucanis’ CSDig style maps. CORKY stands for Cornucanis Regallion Kajacx Yum, who are the developers of the most prevelent mechanics.


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