Katana ZERO

A 2D hack-and-slash where you play as a sword boy who murders a lot of people. It’s like, what if Hotline Miami 1 is a side scrolly ninja game instead of an overhead shooter game. The gimmick though, is that you can slow down time to perform incredible stunts like reflecting bullets with your sword or doing crazy dodges through enemy attacks.

Everything dies in one hit, including you, but there is a checkpoint after each room, so once you nail the execution of your plan once, the game can play it back at full speed to show you just how freakin cool you are, and if your plan doesn’t work, you can always go for another strategy, as there are multiple ways to clear the levels. While the game is hard, it gives you the tools you need to get through it.

I didn’t really go deep into the replayability content (hard mode modifiers, speedrun modifiers, etc) but the time I did spend with this game was thouroughly enjoyable. You might wanna replay it just to give the cutscenes a rewatch if you wanna try and fully understand the story though.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/460950 £11.39
Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/katana-zero £11.39
Switch: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Katana-ZERO-1532339.html £13.49


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