Death’s Door

A cute little game similar to Hyper Light Drifter, with a bit more of a concrete story. You play as a reaper, a cute little crow who’s job is to reap the souls of the dead to bring them to the afterlife, and to do that you have a few weapons at your disposal that you can use to dispatch enemies.

Overall this is a combat and puzzle game with a compelling story. You play as a crow reaper, on a quest to retrieve a great soul from a boss that looks a lot like a Titan Souls boss, which is fair, considering Titan Souls was created by the same developer. Things go wrong though, your giant soul is stolen so you have to go and chase it down, and from here it’s an adventure.

The game does have a few tricky boss fights, but the worst it took me was about 10 attempts on one of the fights before I prevailed. One thing that helps though is that you can explore the world to find upgrades to your equipment, as well as stronger weapons and more health and energy. Like in Hyper Light Drifter, you replenish energy by striking enemies or objects with your sword.

What’s unique to this game is the health system. You start with a 4 segment health bar, meaning any 4 hits will kill you, and I can’t remember a time any specific attack does more than 1 segment of damage. To heal, you can either return to the hub world through one of the checkpoint doors, or you can plant a seed that you find in the world into one of the pots you find around the world to create a health flower, which fully restores your health. Be careful though, the flower can only be used once before needing to return to the hub to refresh it. It’s generally a good idea to hold on to one or two spare seeds to drop into nearby pots when you’re in danger, instead of just filling every pot you see as you go

Steam: £16.75
Humble Bundle: £16.79
Switch: £17.99


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