Mages of Mystralia

An action adventure game where simply put, you are a mage. You can learn and create spells using a super unique spellbook system of combining effects with a trigger and chaining things together. Then you can assign your spells to buttons to cast in world to defeat the enemies you encounter. Its a short little story, but all of the complexity and focus is on the spellcrafting system.

Its been a very long time since I actually played this game specifically, I am after all padding out the start of this rec list with an existing list that is almost 2 years old now, but I do have some very vivid memories of chaining spells together in such a way that when I pressed the cast button once, it’d send a fireball towards an enemy, which on contact would explode into more fireballs that also all exploded, and the spells were chained together to the point that it would wipe out all my mana in a single shot. It was certainly fun. Thankfully mana regens over time, so its not like it was prohibitively expensive to just explode everything on screen.

Its got pretty solid world design, a decent amount of puzzles, and the combat while not trivial feels like a fair balance of challenge and that feeling of pride you get when you do create a busted spell that actually works for the situation. Even without it though, you can get through most of the game with basic spells that use maybe two or three attributes, though some of the later fights may be a bit of a challenge until you get a bit more creative.

Steam: £14.99
Humble: £14.99
Switch: £17.99


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