
WitchWay is a charming little puzzle platformer about escaping a well and rescuing bunnies. Early on, you find a wand that you can use to control purple blocks scattered all throughout the well, which you’ll then use to either press buttons remotely or traverse the rooms you’re in.

This game is only 2-3 hours long to complete, but I really have enjoyed all the time I’ve spent with it, the character designs are charming, the world is surprisingly intricate in its puzzles whilst still being easy to navitgate, and there are secrets to find in a lot of the rooms. There are some blocks you can walk through, but those will be telegraphed by the fact that the wall textures don’t connect in a very obvious way.

Itch.io: https://gleeson.itch.io/witchway £4.00 (Has been on some big bundles, so check if you already have it.)


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