Tag: Puzzle

Games where the main gameplay elements involve mental challenges or obstacles, or that require some thought or logic in order to complete.

  • Portal Revolution

    Portal Revolution

    Its Portal, but another one! I’ve not written about Portal yet, but there isn’t anything that I really need to say about it. It’s the defining 3D first person puzzle game. This mod however, is a nice little extra for people that want more Portal.

  • NERTS! Online

    NERTS! Online

    All Aces, No Spaces! So you know klondike solitaire, the one that came bundled with your Windows XP computer? The guys at Zachtronics made it a competitive multiplayer game and it’s incredible.

  • Bombe


    Minesweeper automation game. Mix up a couple good genres and you end up with a good game, a game where with a bit of setup, you can clear 4000 levels in less than a minute. Im frankly surprised rn that I only have 3 different minesweeper reviews, and not more. Bombe is a game where…

  • Talos Principle II

    Talos Principle II

    So this dropped out of nowhere, like, I saw Icely Puzzles post a video about there being a (apparently temporary?) Demo for this game, and immediately went and played it before watching, and I’ll just say, I’m impressed they managed to create a sequel to this game after the ending of the first. Either way…

  • The Bart Bonte Collection

    The Bart Bonte Collection

    A lil box of nostalgia chocolates, Not to steal a joke from Power Pak, but ooh, a fudge. Bart Bonte is a flash game developer from the early days of the internet, and was an absolute master of his craft back on Armor Games and Miniclip, that sort of place, and this is a collection…

  • The Talos Principle

    The Talos Principle

    So when I tell you that the team behind Serious Sam made another game, what genre are you thinking? Because personally, “philosophical puzzle game” is quite low on the list. So this is a philosophical puzzler with an overarching story. Like Portal but slightly more biblical.

  • Chants of Sennaar

    Chants of Sennaar

    A (mostly) puzzle game about language. Specifically languages you don’t know. And if you’re thinking “oh this sounds like Trunic,” then you’re a little mistaken because the main goal of the game here is to learn and understand the languages. The game helps with this.

  • Islands of Insight (First Look)

    Islands of Insight (First Look)

    So this game has not been released yet, but I am so incredibly hype for it! It’s the brainchild of some of the industry’s best puzzle creators, and the closest comparison I can make is to The Witness, but it’s so much more than just that! You can jump in this one. Explore a stunningly…

  • Return of the Obra Dinn

    Return of the Obra Dinn

    Lucas Pope detective game? Sign me up. You’re a surveyor for the East India Company who is investigating what happened on the Obra Dinn, which was declaired missing at sea in 1802, but after 5 years has drifted into port with no visible crew aboard. Your job is to figure out the identities and fates…

  • Viewfinder


    So this game released very recently, aaaand it’s fantastic. Very simple gimmick, find a photo, place a photo, explore the space inside the photo as it gets embedded in the world. And they take this one simple mechanic and absolutely run with it. It’s like exploring all the interactions with the Portal Gun, and even…

  • The Witness: Archipelago

    Free mod for The Witness. For those unaware, Archipelago is a piece of randomiser software that includes randomisers for many different games, and allows for multiple people playing their own instance of the game to send and recieve items from other players in the pool. If you haven’t finished The Witness yet, and discovered it’s…

  • Can of Wormholes

    Can of Wormholes

    Yet another devilishly complex puzzle game with a simple premise and simple set of controls. Can of Wormholes is kind of a snake + Sokoban hybrid, a Snekoban if you will, where the goal is to get your snake into the hole. Your only controls are to move the head of the snake in one…