Dyson Sphere Program

A slightly different take on the factory management game, the whole thing takes place on a sphere.

Or should I say a lot of spheres.

You see, you get given ownership over an entire sector of space for you to use and exploit however you want to, and you have to use those resources to generate research.

You start by touching down on a planet with some iron, copper, coal and stone, as well as oil fields and an ocean, which is everything you need to get started on your production and research of new machines and technology, upgrades to your suit, and eventually building your way towards interplanetary sailing and logistics, and eventually interstellar FTL travel. If you run out of resources on a planet, you’ll either have to build a new factory on a new planet and transfer resources, or you’ll have to find new planets to exploit and bring the raw resources back to where you start.

As the name suggests, one of the other longer term goals to work towards is producing a Dyson Sphere, which is a solar-system scale construction that encases the star in order to more thouroughly collect its energy.

I’ve not played this game in a hot minute, so my most recent experience is a few updates ago, but I’ve heard they are introducing more of an RTS element to the game, by having an opposing enemy faction in the same sector as you, with whom you’ll have to compete for resources or something like that? I’m not entirely sure the specifics there, but I’m pretty sure you can turn it off, which is nice (and even if you can’t, you can most likely mod the game to turn it off instead.)

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1366540 £15.49


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