UNBEATABLE [white label]

A demo of the yet-to-be-released UNBEATABLE, a story game where every stage is a rhythm game level. If you’ve heard of Muse Dash, this game is that but with better animations.

There is actually plenty of differences though. In UNBEATABLE, you play as Beat, who is the singer of a band, but as you play the music, you have to fight off enemies trying to reach your group from both the left and right sides. Pressing one of the lower row buttons attacks enemies on the lower row, and the upper row buttons to attack the enemies on the upper rows. You don’t need to worry about having seperate buttons for the left and right side.

In UNBEATABLE, there are 6 main enemy types. Basic enemies just require a tap on the right row; Blue double hit enemies first get hit on the row they approach, then immediately after on the opposite row; Pink middle enemies can be hit with either button, but you have to hit them every time a pink tick reaches the line; Long enemies require you to hold the button on that row; Big enemies can be hit with either button and then mashing all the buttons will recover your health; and yellow spikes must be dodged by hitting the opposite column. There are also ghost enemies which are just small enemies that turn invisible the closer they get.

Like I said at the top, the animation style in this game is stunning, the visuals in general are. Instead of playing as a single character and then having to figure out how to handle hitting both columns at once, this game leans on the style that you are part of a band by having Quaver, the guitarist, step in to attack enemies while Beat is busy holding off a long note. If Quaver ends up holding a note when Beat lets go, there is even a small animation for Beat to take over holding off the enemy from Quaver, which is a super neat little detail. All the animations flow smoothly together, the devs did a really good job here.

Lets talk about scoring and health. In UNBEATABLE, you’re standing still defending your band, meaning that any enemy that hits you or slips past you deals damage to your band. Your health is at the top represented by a heart meter that reads “HEART BREAK” when it gets low, and fails you when you run out. Your score is based entirely on your accuracy. Hitting PERFECT will give you the most accuracy percentage, but hitting PERFECT+000 will get you the highest numeric score. Every millisecond you are away from perfect (represented as PERFECT+010 if you’re late, and PERFECT-010 if you’re early) reduces the numeric score slightly, but still maintains 100% accuracy. After that is Great, Good, Poor and Miss, which each significantly reduces your accuracy (Great is only 48% accurate, compared to the 60-90% that other games use here.) Hitting enemies perfectly also recovers your health over time. Also worth noting: UNBEATABLE does have release timings for hold notes.

On the topic of music, most of the songs in UNBEATABLE are made by the inhouse band for the game, and they are all bangers. Unfortunately since [white label] is more of a demo and the full game hasn’t been released yet, there are only about a dozen tracks to play, each one with 5 difficulties: beginner, normal, hard, expert and unbeatable. I know when the full game releases, I’ll be picking it up day one.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1290490 Free to play


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