Covemount (Collection)

A collection of cute little tiny sokoban games by Hempuli, the troll mastermind behind Baba Is You. Every game in the collection is free with a good number of very difficult levels, including some troll logic puzzles, but there are also some themes and mechanics that are consistent within the engine.

The first game in the set, Covemount, starts off as a regular sokoban puzzle, just like all of its sequels. However, a few levels in you’ll start seeing the game counting moves, meaning you’ve gotta consider your options and find the fastest path to the solution. But of course, this is a Hempuli game, so while I won’t spoil the twist, I will say that shenanigans are afoot.

Covejank is a twist on the idea where blocks don’t “push” how you expect them to, as a block might indicate that if you push it, it’ll move to the left, right, or even swap with the player.

Lorgeban gives you blocks that are multiple tiles big and move around like rigid objects.

Powermount includes a power block that changes how blocks work when powered. Walls transmit power, doors toggle their state, spikes turn on and off, and blocks become multipush.

A lot of games play around with the idea of multipush. Single outline blocks that are multipushable, and double outline blocks that can only be pushed directly.

There are lots of other silly variants each with their own charm, jank, and silliness. I do recommend them all, they are all free after all, and Hempuli keeps releasing new ones. Free to play



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