NERTS! Online

All Aces, No Spaces!

So you know klondike solitaire, the one that came bundled with your Windows XP computer? The guys at Zachtronics made it a competitive multiplayer game and it’s incredible.

How it works is that you and up to 5 friends all hop into the game, pick a colour for your deck (and cursor) and then you get to play solitaire. The deck works like a 3-draw klondike sort of thing (even though it doesn’t look like it for space purposes.) You also get fewer spaces to place cards depending on the number of players. 2 players get 6 columns each, 3 players get 5 columns, and 4+ gets only 4 columns each.

The goal condition is not to place all your cards into the foundation, but instead to clear all the face-down cards from your NERTS button, at which point you’re able to call NERTS and end the round. The amount of points you get is based on how many cards you were able to put to the foundation, plus a small bonus if you’re the one that calls NERTS. This means that if everyone else is behind, it may be worth putting more cards up if you can instead of ending the round quickly.

But lets talk about the foundation, because this is the fun part.

Every player can use every space of the foundation.

You’ve not seen pure chaos until you see 3 people holding a 7 of Hearts over a 5 waiting for someone to place a 6.

Go play NERTS, it’s fun and free. Also for every other Zachtronics game you have in your Steam library, you’ll unlock a bonus card back design, there is one for each game, and a “sponsorship package” DLC for NERTS itself that unlocks a NERTS cardback and rainbow colour scheme.

Steam: Free to Play (£8.50 for Sponsorship Package)


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