
This is a roguelite dungeon crawler with some strategy, as the objective isn’t simply to get through the dungeon and kill the boss, but rather to loot as much expensive stuff as you can while you’re there. The game’s primary upgrade system involves creating new gear using loot from the dungeons, but unlocking new shops in the town requires money, and you get that from selling your loot.

The game is relatively short all things considered, there are only 4 main dungeons to go through, but each dungeon is a big step in difficulty so you’ll end up spending a lot of time in them getting your upgrades and selling stuff so that you can upgrade your things going into the next dungeon.

Inside the dungeons, you’ll get items from defeating enemies, but you’ll also find chests with items in them. The items in these chests though are special. They’re cursed! They could have an effect like destroying an adjacent item when you leave a dungeon, or being forced to sit against a specific side of your bag, so there is a lot of strategy in which items do you take and how do you fill your bag.

On the next day after you get out of the dungeon, you’ll be able to set up your loot inside your store and set a price for them, the price is unknown at first and fluctuats with demand, so you’ll have to watch the reactions of your patrons to see if you’re selling things for too little, or asking too much. And once you sell something, you can take the money you’ve made to buy your own stuff from the other merchants in town.

Steam: £15.49
Humble Store: £15.49
Switch: £22.49


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