Antimatter Dimensions

Oh christ this is a rabbit hole and a half. I could never get into idle games to start with, most of them were on PC, and they didn’t really gel with me at first, so I missed things like Cookie Clicker. Then someone showed me AD and my life kinda went all downhill from there lol.

While this game is available on browser, and now even on Steam what on earth? I initially played it on android during the off-hours at work, and good lord did the numbers going up make the happy chemicals go brrr.

Antimatter Dimensions is a relatively groundbreaking idle game by doing two things: Firstly, it was the first big name idle game that decided it was going to make Infinity a concept, and secondly it has so so many prestige layers. Prestige may feel like a super common concept in idle games these days, but back then it wasnt really. The game starts off very simply. You have 8 producers, called Dimensions, that produce a currency called Antimatter roll credits. You can then spend antimatter on tickspeed upgrades and more dimensions. But here’s where the game pulls its first big trick. Unlike games like Cookie Clicker or the AdVenture series, instead of all your producers going into creating currency, each producer creates the previous producer. A 3rd dimension creates 2nd dimensions, which in turn creates 1st dimensions, which create antimatter. TL;DR, learn how to read logarithmic notation.

After you reach enough 8th Dimensions, you can do your first two reset levels: Boosts and Galaxies. These reset your antimatter and dimensions, but give you a big boost to your production to let you go even further, and eventually you’ll reach the magic number 1.79e308 (or e308.25), which is the largest floating point value, aka Infinity. And at this point, the game falls apart and you have to start again, but you get 1 Infinity Point (IP) to spend on making it faster next time.

After enough times reaching infinity, you’ll eventually be able to break past it, which is honestly a technical marvel (Patashu literally developed a popular library break_infinity.js in order to achieve this, and so many other browser idle games use it or its successor logarithmica now.) This is the point where the game breaks wide open.

Hevipelle like, less than a week before I put this up just released the newest reset tier Reality, and also dropped the game on Steam, which frankly nobody was expecting. The 5 hour wait is finally over.

In terms of mobile revenue mechanics: The game features optional ads and optional IAPs. It is balanced around not using the IAPs at all though. The ads are viewed by pressing a button in the shop tab, and grant a 4 hour production boost per ad watched. The IAPs are to buy “Support The Developer” coins, which is a very funni acronym, and allow you to buy permanent ad boost without watching ads, amongst other permanent upgrades.

Steam: Free to Play
Android: Free to Play



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