RiME is a beautiful little short to medium story game. It has some rudimentary puzzles in it but it’s mostly a game about visual storytelling. You play as a young boy who wakes up on a beach, where you can use your voice to activate statues around the island to raise platforms, open doors, or activate machinary. Eventually you meet a small fox spirit who guides you on your journey.

So RiME is from Tequila Softworks, which is the same developer that made The Sexy Brutale, and I find it fascinating how they can go from making a very artful puzzle exploration story game to making a timeloop murder mistery, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t enjoy both.

Throughout the whole game, there is this question that looms on who the fox and who the red cloaked shadow man that seems to be watching you are, but as the game consists mostly of 5 relatively linear levels (though each level is a little more open for exploration,) everything will be revealed eventually. This game has a pretty big twist at the end that I accidentally sort of soft-spoiled myself on through the fault of the game, so uh, pro tip, don’t use the chapter select on your first playthrough for maximum effect.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/493200 £29.99
Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/rime £29.99
Switch: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/RiME-1177522.html £29.99


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